Donald Westra Jr. M.D. – Staying Healthy after 50

Donald Westra Jr. M.D. was a very successful medical professional who worked in both gynecology and obstetrics. He is now retired and owns and manages his own investment properties through Florida and North Carolina. He feels that it’s important to stay active and even more3 so when you reach the age of 50. He stays involved in numerous activities such as running, working out, and bike riding. As people approach 50, they have to change the way they both exercise and eat. What worked at 20, 30, and 40 just doesn’t produce the same results at 50.

Eating healthy is probably the best things you can do as you approach the middle years. Taking vitamins such as B-12, iron, calcium and Vitamin D are important. You also want to cut back on salt, which includes processed foods (chips, frozen dinners, canned soup, etc.). Your salt intake should stay around 1500 mg or less per day, which is about ½ tsp. Try adding flavorful herbs in place of salt when you cook at home. Many herbs provide anti-cancer benefits; thyme, oregano, and rosemary are all high in antioxidants.

Exercise responsibly and don’t overdo it. As you get older, your body changes and the same exercises may not be good for your body. You want to stick with lower impact exercises and do plenty of stretching.  Another essential thing when doing a regular exercise routine is to have off days for rest.

Donald Westra Jr. M.D. is very conscious of w3aht he eats and getting enough exercise weekly. He also makes sure to not overdo it and take time off to allow his body to recuperate.

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